
Complete the form below and we will contact you to confirm your reservation. Reservations are possible at any time with a 50% deposit by credit card or Paypal.

Plan your trip: Winter to your taste


Indicate here the type of package you want.
Indicate the date you want to hike
Indicate an alternative departure date
Indicate if we need to adapt the activity based on a physical constraint, size (over 90 kg/200 lbs), health problem, age. Please feel free to add any relevant questions or information.

Booking conditions : A 50% deposit will confirm your reservation and will be kept in all cases of cancellation. Any booked service will be charged in full in case of cancellation of less than 72 hours before the reservation, or in case of no-show on the premises, unless previously agreed.

Please book well in advance for Christmas.

For safety reasons, Randonnée Mïcklà reserves the right to cancel a hike at any time without conditions.

gift certificates: click here

Cryptocurrency: We accept $BTC